(Minnesota 1st Judicial District Judge David Knutson)
Below, find an email I sent to the FBI. Thus far, the FBI has done nothing.
First, this case has been covered in the media and all besides me have got it wrong, many wifully.
The case comes down to this. Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and her five children were physicially, emotionally, and sexually abused for two decades and then when she got divorced the court hid it, forced her kids to live with their abusive father, and when two ran and hid, they charged the mother, once again making sure no evidence of abuse is ever introduced.
First, below are two documents, 124 pages of evidence of abuse by David Rucki,
There is no doubt that David Rucki is very violent toward everyone, his family included so the only way this is not shown court is if it is hidden.
First, the divorce was supposedly finalized in 2011, here is that divorce decree, https://www.scribd.com/document/351985099/G168-1201-0005-1-1?campaign=SkimbitLtd&ad_group=725X238253X2c7f051b8c2387adcd8a21f04ecce897&keyword=660149026&source=hp_affiliate&medium=affiliate
After that decree, Judge David Knutson not only placed himself on the divorce but all matters related to the Rucki's. He even once had a criminal matter which started in another county transferred to his court.
He reversed the divorce, ordered Sandra Grazzini-Rucki out of her home, ordered the children to live with their father, conducted a custody trial while two were missing, and even made Sandra Grazzini-Rucki's attorney continue part of it in handcuffs.
Then, he awarded 100% of a multi-million dollar estate to David Rucki. He also got sole custody and alimony. This estate includes four homes, nine classic cars, and a multi-million dollar business. David Rucki got it all.
Now, that is very compelling circumstantial evidence this judge is bribed, but I've been told that David Rucki's parents, Fred and Vicky Rucki, transferred $750,000 from their trust at Wells Fargo to him as well. I can't prove it but that is very specific and the FBI has the tools to find out if true.
Second, after Sandra Grazzini-Rucki was arrested, Judge Karen Asphaug placed herself on her case, Dede Evavold also charged, and Doug and Gina Dahlen also charged. Again, a judge illegally placing themselves on cases. Though Sandra Grazzini-Rucki's crime is presumed probation, Judge Asphaug gave her $500,000 cash bond and sentenced her to the maximum, one year and one day, and even told her to serve it fifteen days at a time over six years, to maximize the punishment.
Judge Asphaug disallowed almost all evidence of abuse, would only allow one of the two daughters to testify; Sandra Grazzini-Rucki was given a list of about twenty words she wasn't allowed to say like abuse, restraining order. She was not allowed to refer to any police reports, and her daughter who did testify testified by Skype, you can find news articles about it.
Finally, the prosecutors engaged in a Brady Violation, refusing to turn over a critical police report from the day the girls were found, which stated, "On 11/19/15, Detective Coughlin and I met with Dakota County Social Services and David Rucki. Arrangements were made for the girls to be placed into foster care, as they continued to express that they would run away again if they were brought home." (this was never given to Sandra Grazzini-Rucki's defense)
https://www.scribd.com/document/348506627/13001278-N-Dronen-112115-for-merge that's a link to the police report.
There is also witness tampering. Here is what Samantha Rucki, one daughter who ran, said to a cop during a police interview a month before the criminal trial of her mother: "They (her father and his sister) basically said I have to (go to the interview) and I have to be here and I have to recant everything I said and it’s going and that’s the way it’s gonna be- and they made me feel guilty about it and I started to cry"
Here is a link to this police interview, https://www.scribd.com/document/323533726/LakevillePoliceDeptDocs-1-1
Given all that, why was Sandra Grazzini-Rucki charged, let alone prosecuted at trial for this alleged crime? I don't believe it is merely an out of control prosecutor, I think this prosecutor has been ordered to go after her, regardless of the evidence, but only the FBI can prove this.
Furthermore, I have found that when Sandra Grazzini-Rucki's case goes to appeal Judge Jill Flaskamps Halbrooks rules nearly every time and against her every time she rules, the same is true for the head of the Minnesota Supreme Court, Lorie Gildea. Either these two really don't like her arguments or they are being paid not to like it.
Also, David Rucki has been allowed to commit mortgage fraud, https://ppjg.me/2018/01/21/david-rucki-commits-apparent-mortgage-fraud/ the documents I used to prove this are linked at the bottom of the article. He's been foreclosed on six times, and kept the house. Either that is foreclosure fraud or money laundering or both. Only the FBI can subpoena the right documents to prove it.
Also, he has embezzled from his ex-wife's father's trust. Sandra Grazzini-Rucki's father made hundreds of millions of dollars and all his kids should have been set for life but she has nothing, because he has embezzled everything which he could not take in the divorce.
https://www.scribd.com/document/369544885/Trust-Fund-Register-of-Actions-1 that's a registrar of actions for a trust set up by Sandra Grazzini-Rucki's father for his children. You will see David Rucki is listed as a petitioner. Why? You'll see that in November 2017, funds were disbursed. I believe they were disbursed to him. Why? He's not a child of Sandra Grazzini-Rucki's father.
Finally, his propagandist, Michael Brodkorb, claims Sandra Grazzini-Rucki has money stashed in Canada. http://missinginminnesota.com/homeless-and-penniless-grazzini-rucki-stashed-money-in-canada/ I think if you track this account you will find it went to David Rucki. She knew nothing about it.
Lastly, I'm attaching the most recent order which orders her to pay child support to David Rucki still, even though she is homeless. This continues to this day. https://www.scribd.com/document/386960918/Grazzini-Rucki-Fof-Cs-Order-8-22-1
https://www.commdiginews.com/news-2/did-judges-in-sandra-grazzini-rucki-case-previously-fix-husbands-cases-76928/ if you take a look at that article, I believe that Asphaug and Knutson have been fixing cases for David Rucki for years. Again, circumstantial evidence, but compelling.
There is so much more, https://www.commdiginews.com/politics-2/sandra-grazzini-ruckis-private-flight-records-were-released-to-ex-87739/ this shows that David Knutson ordered the release of Sandra Grazzini-Rucki's private flight records to David Rucki. Again, why?
So, hopefully, you will look at this. There is bribery, mortgage fraud, human trafficking, embezzlement and racketeering here.
That's what money to bribe judge's and Supreme Court justices will buy. Our entire judicial system is corrupt. These judges and justices need to be shot before a military firing squad for treason. Death to all who was against We, the People, and our United States Constitution. Sadly these traitors are all the way to the United States Supreme Court.
That's what money to bribe judge's and Supreme Court justices will buy. Our entire judicial system is corrupt. These judges and justices need to be shot before a military firing squad for treason. Death to all who was against We, the People, and our United States Constitution. Sadly these traitors are all the way to the United States Supreme Court.
I already did. Screw this I am not doing this nor using this bullshit blog again.
That's what money to bribe judge's and Supreme Court justices will buy. Our entire judicial system is corrupt. These judges and justices need to be shot before a military firing squad for treason. Death to all who was against We, the People, and our United States Constitution. Sadly these traitors are all the way to the United States Supreme Court.
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