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Friday, January 30, 2009

Council Winners

First place with 1 2/3 points! - Mere Rhetoric - NJDC Tool Aaron Keyak Helpfully Illustrates How Liberal Activists Sneeringly Cocoon Themselves In Asinine Arguments And Dishonest Smears
Second place with 1 1/3 points - (T*) - The Provocateur - The Shadow Government of the Obama Administration
Second place with 1 1/3 points - (T*) - Cheat-Seeking Missiles - What, Indeed, Did We Win?
Third place with 1 point - (T*) - The Glittering Eye - Let’s Have a Constructive Discussion
Third place with 1 point - (T*) - Soccer Dad - Ob-eds
Fourth place with 2/3 points - (T*) - Joshuapundit - Obama’s ‘Change’ In The Middle East
Fourth place with 2/3 points - (T*) - Rhymes With Right - Tom Hanks’ Non-Apology For Anti-Mormon Bigotry
Fourth place with 2/3 points - (T*) - Bookworm Room - Offensive “charm”
Fourth place with 2/3 points - (T*) - The Colossus of Rhodey - Is this a surprise? The News Journal says “race still an issue”
Fifth place with 13 point - The Razor - I Won? No Mr. President, Howard Dean Won
Winning Non-Council Submissions
First place with 2 2/3 points! - Spiked Online - After Gaza: what’s behind 21st-century anti-Semitism?
Second place with 2 points - American Digest - Abortion in America: A Personal Journey
Third place with 1 1/3 points - Power Line - How Things Look to a Democrat
Fourth place with 1 points - (T*) - Rants And Raves - Israel and anti-Semitism, decision time
Fourth place with 1 points - (T*) - Elie’s Expositions - Aaron’s Birthday 2009: 22 And Not Counting
Fourth place with 1 points - (T*) - Jerusalem Post - History’s Tragic Farce
Fifth place with 2/3 point - Covert Rationing Blog - We Have Enough Primary Docs After All
Sixth place with 1/3 point - Debbie Schlussel - No Surprise: Iraqis Prefer U.S. Jailers to Iraqi Ones

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