Please check out my new books, "Bullied to Death: Chris Mackney's Kafkaesque Divorce and Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and the World's Last Custody Trial"
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Friday, February 16, 2018
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Sandra Grazzini-Rucki on Punished 4 Protecting
Here are the background documents on this show. Below is the docket for one of the trusts. Note that on November 1, 2017, there is an entry for "Petition for disbursement/release of funds."
On the first page, who is the petitioner, David Rucki.
Trust Fund Register of Actions (1) by mikekvolpe on Scribd
Below is a photo of the other trust. Of note is that it says FBO, or for the beneficiary of, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki. All the money 1636.28 shares have been withdrawn, but as Ms. Grazzini-Rucki notes in the interview, she's received none of it. Where did it go?For more on the Grazzini-Rucki case:
1) The definitive dossier documenting David Rucki's violence: 99 pages of police reports, orders for protection, letters, affidavits, and more...
2) The propaganda of 20/20
3) The court created horror of the five Rucki children
4) Dakota County disallows nearly all Sandra Grazzini-Rucki's evidence and only then is she convicted
5) Dakota County slaps destitute Sandra Grazzini-Rucki with $975 per month in child support, $14,000 plus bill
6) Missing in Minnesota: Michael Brodkorb's blog
7) Find the book, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and the World's Last Custody Trial here.
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Beaten Before Born: Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Assaulted While Pregnant – Rucki Wanted to Kill Baby Because He “Wasn’t Perfect”
It appears David Rucki is using the courts to remove an article from the internet. Acccording to a recently filed motion, Rucki is asking for an emergency hearing to remove a story entitled "Beaten Before Born: Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Assaulted While Pregnant – Rucki Wanted to Kill Baby Because He 'Wasn’t Perfect'”. It was published on Red Herring Alert, a blog which Dede Evavold contributes to. Rucki, due to restrictive probation conditions, believes he can force the removal of this blog from the internet. See his petition below.
Emergency Motion by mikekvolpe on Scribd
Rucki apparently has not heard of the Streisand Effect. We should all introduce him to it. Since he's trying to suppress this article, it needs to be read far and wide. So, here it is being reprinted from Red Herring Alert and it was also published on the Justice Blog. Though David Rucki claimed this was an emergency, the blog was originally published on December 18, 2017. Why he waited two months to take action on an emergency only he can explain.Here it is.
David Rucki is so violent, and so abusive that he beat ex-wife Sandra Grazzini-Rucki while pregnant, and assaulted his unborn before the child even took his first breath. As a result of the beating, the child was born prematurely (and suffers with permanent health problems).
This, according to, statements Sandra Grazzini-Rucki made during a heart-wrenching episode of Fighting B.A.C.K. (Aired: 6/19/2017) During the episode, Sandra also reveals that Rucki threatened to harm her children as a way to gain control over her through fear and intimidation.
The shocking revelation came when Sandra responded to a guest who was describing her own situation with domestic violence, and how her child was affected. The guest says her abusive ex used her child as a weapon, and would even retaliate by hurting the child, as a way to intimidate and control her. Sandra said that hearing the guest’s story reminded her of the violent marriage she escaped from.
The National Institutes of Health reports that over 300,000 pregnant women in the U.S. are victims to domestic violence, with domestic violence being the leading cause of death among U.S. women of childbearing age.
(Note: This article contains additional information on these incidents, as provided by a confidential source – which are told in the first person voice to illustrate Sandra’s horrifying experience, and told in this way raise awareness of the impact of domestic violence experienced during pregnancy)
Rucki’s Assault on an Unborn Baby: “I was kicked repeatedly in the stomach (because) he was ‘not a perfect child’…”
Imagine the horror Sandra surely experienced and felt:
Lying on a gurney, hands desperately clutch swollen belly, trying to hold back contractions… as she fades in and out of consciousness, she pleads,”No, no, it’s too soon…”
How would she explain the bruises this time? The violent assault against her unborn left her belly black and blue, bleeding on the inside… she realized too late that she married a demon in the flesh. Raging he stood over her kicking again and again… spit flying from his mouth as he screamed and swore..
Loud voice, someone shouting her name… she screamed and threw her arms out… The beep-beep of a fetal monitor going wild… She struggled to open her eyes, not comprehending, plastic IV tubing twisting as she fought… frightened by the sound of her name being called. Was she safe?
Signs of life.. a faint and erratic heart beat … tiny, seashell shaped knees raised to chest then violently kick out… Even the hospital could not protect her once he realized the baby he tried to kill was now fighting back.
(28:21) Sandra says: “When my youngest child was born, he (David Rucki) was under the belief that this was not going to be a ‘perfect child’ when I was kicked repeatedly into the stomach and went into pre-term labor, and gave birth, and he (Rucki) said, I want him gone rather than have a kid that’s not perfect because it’s more about me than it is about him…”
The child has been permanently affected by the assault inflicted on him while in the womb, and will suffer with lifelong health issues.
Rucki Threatens to Chop Baby Up in a Ceiling Fan

All she wanted was to be a wife and mother, to have a home filled with laughter and children. Instead the children tip-toed through the rooms like ghosts – vainly trying to remain silent and unseen, as if they could avoid their father’s rage.
The children… where were the children? So much they should not see… the violence, the tears… the fake apologies… Hiding somewhere in the house. Hands slammed over their small ears. Tears filling their eyes. They feared not the mythical monster in the closet that most children imagine but the very real monster in the house, their father.
(28:06) Sandra says: “When my oldest child was 3 months old, my ex-husband David Rucki grabbed him from the bassinet, held him up to a ceiling fan and said, ‘You will do as I say or he is going into the fan…’”
(29:03) Sandra says: “Sometimes when you talk about things it reminds me of things that David Rucki did and yet these are the men that have our children… You talk about this and I know, I will never forget when David held the baby up to the ceiling fan and said ‘You do what I say or he’s (chokes on words) .. they have no concern for the child, it’s more of a control issue…”
Rucki Promised to Change But Then Threatened to Kill Sandra, and the Children
Runaway Rucki Teen, G.R. also stated,”…He showed anger like, ‘I’m going to kill you…’ “ (Social Service Report, November 2015: Social Worker Recommended – Protective Care for Rucki Girls, Supervised Visits With Father Due to Safety Concerns)
Sandra says during the marriage, Rucki repeatedly promised to change but always resorted back to his abusive behavior. Sandra says Rucki even threatened to kill “your children” if she did not comply with his demands.
Sandra says physical, mental and sexual abuse existed in the generations of the Rucki family and influenced David Rucki’s abusive behavior and attitude towards his own children. David Rucki promised Sandra that he would not abuse his own children the way he was abused by his father, and the way he witnessed his father abuse his sisters. Cut from the same fabric, David Rucki, in the end, turned out to be just as abusive, and dangerous to his own children as Fred Rucki was to him, and his sisters.
Family Court: The Two Options That Trap Victims of Domestic Violence

Judge David L Knutson (Dakota County, MN)
“I think that is so sad that as a parent in an abusive relationship, why is it that your two options are: stay, being abused, have your child grow up in this environment filled with insecurities, tension and violence or leave and risk losing your child and continuing to suffer…” – Comment from “Fighting Back” Guest, a Mother also involved in family court who lost custody of her baby to an alleged abuser
Sandra says that her children went to everyone asking for help and that every level of the system has failed to protect them.
Instead of protecting children, family court Judge David L Knutson, Dakota County, has assisted David Rucki in every step through the legal process to continue to abuse, torment and attempt to kill Sandra by making it impossible to survive. Judge Knutson has also endangered the lives of all 5 Rucki children by placing them under the care, custody and ultimately the control of David Rucki. Even as adults the Rucki children have been unable to escape their father and live independent lives of their own due to his violence against them.
Saturday, February 10, 2018
Friday, February 9, 2018
Whistleblower's! Beckley VA Retaliates Against Another Whistleblower
See my articles on the Beckley VA. I was the first journalist to expose wrongdoing at that hospital.
Thursday, February 8, 2018
Tanya's whole story is coming soon. Here's a preview.
Miller, during an argument with XXX’s attorney, even threw Hathaway a bone, saying, “I don’t understand why a driver’s licenses would not be admissible to go to evidence of where a person’s residence is in a hearing on Subject-matter jurisdiction.”
and take a look at the Judicial Complaint against Judge J Anthony Miller. Board of Judicial Complaints declined to take action.
Also, take a look at the bar complaint against Michon Hughes.
New Hampshire Woman Takes on Oklahoma- and a Moot
Written by: Michael Volpe and Tanya Hathaway
It’s All About Jurisdiction
A judgment from a court that did not have subject-matter jurisdiction is forever a nullity.[1][2] Wikipedia
With a corrupt judge refusing to remove himself from the case, he had no problem ignoring the evidence that the court had no jurisdiction.
A court must have some sort of a stake in a case before it can hear it; that’s called Subject-matter jurisdiction.
Some of a few of the many exhibits Hathaway presented for supporting arguments for lack of Subject-matter jurisdiction include: 1) Their marital home was in New Hampshire. Hathaway never lived in Oklahoma, and XXX (referring to Hathaway’s estranged husband) wasn’t living in Tulsa County. XXX swore their marital home as his legal residence when he applied for a P.O. box, 2) XXX obtained a New Hampshire’s driver’s license on June 27th 2014- just weeks before filing- where he swore that he lived in New Hampshire, 3) Their marriage certificate listed New Hampshire as their legal address 4) Confirmation from the US Postal Service (USPS) that XXX permanently changed his home address from Tulsa to New Hampshire 5) dozens of resumes which XXX sent to potential employers where his return address was New Hampshire 6) While Hathaway examined XXX for her motion to vacate the suit due to lack of jurisdiction, he admitted that he did not have a residence or stay anywhere in Tulsa County during the time period required to claim Subject-matter jurisdiction. Clearly, he relied on his insiders to take care of things.
Miller, during an argument with XXX’s attorney, even threw Hathaway a bone, saying, “I don’t understand why a driver’s licenses would not be admissible to go to evidence of where a person’s residence is in a hearing on Subject-matter jurisdiction.”
Judge Miller noted that Subject-matter jurisdiction came down to, “was the petitioner a resident of Oklahoma for six months prior to filing the petition?”
When XXX testified, he insisted that he was domiciled- or had a residence in-Oklahoma at the time he filed his petition in June 2014, but when asked to provide his address, he responded, “I did not have a formal address in Tulsa.”
He even repeated this assertion when Miller asked him the same question minutes later.
Just as XXX knew he could rely on Hughes and Hastings, lawyers on XXX’s behalf, Hughes knew they could rely on Miller to make it all work. All they needed was something with the veneer of legitimacy: thinking Hathaway didn’t know better. Judicial Estoppel is a legal technicality which “prevents a party from asserting a position in one legal proceeding that directly contradicts a position taken by that same party in an earlier proceeding.” According to the Cornell Law Review.
Hughes and her team argued because Hathaway had come to Oklahoma to challenge the lawsuit, this implicitly gave the state jurisdiction, except, as in this case, without Subject-matter jurisdiction, Judicial Estoppel is moot. They all know it.
Hathaway knew there was no Subject-matter jurisdiction, but couldn't prove it until discovered additional evidence that was rock solid. Knowing she could prove it, she motioned to vacate the suit in a county that by law cannot hear or rule over the matter.
Put another way, you aren’t allowed to go to New Hampshire’s Department of Motor Vehicle and swear you live there and turn around and tell a court in Oklahoma weeks later you live in that state, if all your evidence is a storage receipt.
By all rights, it was a slam dunk. No evidence was presented to overcome the lack of Subject-matter jurisdiction as the defense relied solely on Judicial Estoppel.
That’s fraud, and neither estoppel nor anything else can be achieved by fraud, unless your friends with facing the Orwellian Miller appointed by the upstanding Presiding Judge Linda Morrissey who ignored requests to review the gross negligence claimed in this matter in her court.
Miller denied Hathaway citing Subject-matter jurisdiction as the key to vacating the suit. Yet, The Hughes Team didn't use that defense! If they had, it was still a slam dunk.
Still, knowing Subject-matter jurisdiction overrides Judicial Estoppel (the defenses claim), Hathaway filed an emergency motion for reconsideration, arguing that Judicial Estoppel does not apply because subject matter was not established. This caused Miller to augment his rulings the next day in court.
“I apparently, I left the impression and I want to correct it, that the only basis for my ruling yesterday was on the basis of Judicial Estoppel. It’s my intention to indicate that after hearing those many hours of testimony, the facts support that this court has Subject-matter jurisdiction,” the Orwellian Judge Miller stated at this hearing, “He was a resident based on the factual record presented.”
Factual Record information from Cornell University Law School Includes:
“In General. In an action tried on the facts without a jury or with an advisory jury, the court must find the facts specially and state its conclusions of law separately. The findings and conclusions may be stated on the record after the close of the evidence or may appear in an opinion or a memorandum of decision filed by the court.”
The “factual record” evidence consisted of a Tulsa storage unit receipt.
If you can't believe this happened take listen to the audio below.
and take a look at the Judicial Complaint against Judge J Anthony Miller. Board of Judicial Complaints declined to take action.
Also, take a look at the bar complaint against Michon Hughes.
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Monday, February 5, 2018
Thursday, February 1, 2018
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