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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Anatomy of Disingenous Reporting

Peggy Noonan's column today is entitled "A Clear and Present Danger to the Left". This is a piece defending her fraternal Conservative in a spirit of sisterhood.

Gut: The Sarah Palin choice is really going to work, or really not going to work. It's not going to be a little successful or a little not; it's not going to be a wash. She is either going to be magic or one of history's accidents. She is either going to be brilliant and groundbreaking, or will soon be the target of unattributed quotes by bitter staffers shifting blame in all the Making of the President 2008 books. Of which there should be plenty, as we've never had a year like this, with the fabulous freak of a campaign.

More immediately and seriously on Palin:

Because she jumbles up so many cultural categories, because she is a feminist not in the Yale Gender Studies sense but the How Do I Reload This Thang way, because she is a woman who in style, history, moxie and femininity is exactly like a normal American feminist and not an Abstract Theory feminist; because she wears makeup and heels and eats mooseburgers and is Alaska Tough, as Time magazine put it; because she is conservative, and pro-2nd Amendment and pro-life; and because conservatives can smell this sort of thing -- who is really one of them and who is not -- and will fight to the death for one of their beleaguered own; because of all of this she is a real and present danger to the American left, and to the Obama candidacy.


She could become a transformative political presence.

So they are going to have to kill her, and kill her quick.

And it's going to be brutal. It's already getting there.

The article goes on like this. Of course, I should mention that Noonan does point out the risks of the pick however the tone of this article is one that believes that ultimately the risks will be worth it. So, clearly one would walk away from this article thinking that Noonan ultimately believes in Palin. One would think this if it wasn't for this video.

The most qualified? No." Noonan said. "I think they went for this — excuse me — political bullsh** about narratives."

Noonan continued: "Every time Republicans do that — because that's not where they live, and it's not what they're good at — they blow it.""You know what' really the worst part about it? The greatness of McCain is no cynicism," Murphy said. "And this is cynical."

Now, the other voice is Mike Murphy, former McCain advisor. Frankly, the only cynics, in my opinion, are the ones that doubt Palin without giving her a chance like these two. What is really cynical is writing an article in which you praise an individual in public, but when you think no one is listening you trash that exact same person to colleagues. To me, that is what is really cynical.

This is yet another reason why the public is so fed up with journalism. It is truly unbelievable that someone could write an article in which nothing they actually say is something they believe, and yet that's exactly what Peggy Noonan just did. I hope this ends her career as clearly nothing she will ever say again will have any credibility.

Frankly, I have a lot more respect for the likes of Eugene Robinson, Bob Herbert, and Maureen Dowd, at least they don't hide their venom toward Sarah Palin. They say their true feelings right on the pages of the media that give them a living. Peggy Noonan, on the other hand, says what she thinks readers expect a conservative woman like herself to think in the pages of her employer, and then when she thinks no one is paying attention, she says her true feelings. There is no more gutter journalism than that.

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