Like her evil husband, she has lived far too long. Here's hoping the hag suffers for several weeks, then croaks in the tub."
"The old bat will probably steal everything in the hospital room."
"I feel no pity for the b---- who took delight in watching thousands die of a horrible disease and watching the poor having to eat out of dumpsters because of her husband's political beliefs."
At the same time, Bill O'Reilly had this to say about Michelle Obama's recent gaffe.
And I don't want to go on a lynching party against Michelle Obama unless there's evidence, hard facts, that say this is how the woman really feels. If that's how she really feels -- that America is a bad country or a flawed nation, whatever -- then that's legit. We'll track it down.
It was an ill advised comment however the Huffington Post called for immediate and drastic action...
It doesn't even matter what Michelle Obama said. We do know that FOX News repeatedly misquoted Mrs. Obama's statement and regardless of what she said, nothing -- no words, intentions or deeds justify the unhinged spike in Bill O'Reilly's bigoted, splotchy blood pressure to the point of wanting to "track it down" with his "lynching party." She could've said something like, "Bill O'Reilly is a splotchy dillweed who enjoys savory, soapy shower falafels," and it still wouldn't justify this flagrantly racist "lynching" analogy.
Bill O'Reilly must resign in disgrace for the good of the nation. He should publicly apologize to the Obama family and then, on that same show, he should resign. When he leaves the FOX News building, his FOX News Goon Squad and Tubby Stalking Intern-bots should be ordered to stand down while random passers-by are asked to pelt Bill O'Reilly with eggs, tomatoes and, naturally, falafels -- live on Countdown with Keith Olbermann. Then he should volunteer to walk around midtown Manhattan wearing a sandwich board that reads: "Ask Me About My History Of Racism (And Free Cell Phone Offer!)"
It is truly surreal that the same sight that spewed such venom at Nancy Reagan after she took a spill which is dangerous for anyone her age would turn around and demand that another individual be fired for other comments that they deemed hateful. The article goes on to state as fact that O'Reilly is a racist. It claims a long list of offenses though they aren't listed.
Of course, O'Reilly so called bigotry stems from a faux scandal in which he made comments about the perspective he saw at a Harlem restaurant. Ironically enough, those comments were made after spending time there with civil rights leader Al Sharpton. Sharpton is among O'Reilly's most frequent guests on his show. The rest of O'Reilly supposed racism stems from his full frontal attack on hip hop.
Of course, the Huffington Post's agenda has little to do with bigotry, good taste, or decorum. Over the last year, O'Reilly has taken on the far left blogs, Daily Kos has been the principle recipient of his attacks, however the Huffington Post has received plenty of criticism as well. The Chutzpah that the Huffington Post has exhibited here is stunning. At the same time they fully embrace hateful rhetoric against Nancy Reagan, they demand that a successful commentator be fired for rhetoric significantly more mild. In fact, you can set your watch to sites like the post having comments dancing in the misery of their opponents. Whether it is Tony Snow's cancer, Nancy Reagan's fall, or Dick Cheney's hunting accident, it takes hours before that sort of commentary shows up on that site. It is never taken down and thus tacitly endorsed.

This picture was recently posted on Daily Kos. The folks at the Huffington Post or the Daily Kos judging someone else's rhetoric as too hateful, bigoted, or inappropriate is as John Kerry once said
like John Gotti lecturing someone on gun violence
This is frankly neither a surprise or altogether unexpected from the folks at the Post. They want O'Reilly eliminated and they will do whatever they can to eliminate him, no matter how ridiculous and frankly hypocritical they come off.
What was truly disappointing was that this Huffington Post commentary somehow found its way in the Chicago Sun Times and thus was given MSM endorsement and credibility. If the folks on the far left want to pretend and delude themselves into thinking they have some sort of relevance and power outside their circle, that is their prerogative. The MSM needs to be more responsible than that. While they reprinted this biased article they made no mention of the hateful comments against Nancy Reagan nor any of the other hateful comments that site has had previously. One of the keys of journalism is providing context. Not only did the Sun Times fail in that, but they provided relevance and credibility to an outfit that deserves neither.
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