Friday, October 16, 2020

Check Me Out on Anomic Age


1) that's about a California man who is essentially homeless, and a product of foster care, who had his kids taken, but because you can't take kids for homelessness, CPS came up with a bogus reason
2) I found out how a local Minneapolis reporter scored an interview with the Rucki girls shortly after they ran in 2013.
3) This is from Kane County. This is about how a judge is using totally bogus rulings to keep a mom away from her son. I've also done other things on Kane which we can talk about.
4) that's Joanna. Her birth mom was an unwed teenager living in a group home in England; Joanna was conceived through rape, when authorities pressured her mom to abort she refused, so social services took the kid and had an American couple adopt her, move her to Florida, and abuser her, until she got lost in Florida's foster care system.
5) an indepth look at Tarrant County's judicial and CPS system. Tarrant includes the areas near Dallas/Fort Worth.

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