Friday, February 5, 2010

An Update on Scott Lee Cohen

The recent disclosures about the brand new nominee for Lt. Governor on the Democratic ticket, Scott Lee Cohen, here in Illinois has become a full blown scandal. Cohen has dug in.

Gov. Quinn's embattled running mate, Scott Lee Cohen, allegedly abused anabolic
steroids, displayed fits of rage and forced himself sexually on his wife before their divorce, court documents reviewed by the Chicago Sun-Times show.

Cohen also allegedly skipped child-support payments at the same time he was investing his own money -- a total of more than $2 million -- in his successful bid to become the Democratic nominee for lieutenant governor. His ex-wife, Debra York-Cohen, alleged just two months ago that he owed her nine months worth of back child support totaling $54,000 for their four children

Meanwhile, Pat Quinn is already making it clear that Cohen ought to think about quitting.

Gov. Pat Quinn's delayed primary victory was short-lived Thursday as he was forced to distance himself from his new running mate and suggest he bow out for fear of dragging down the ticket.

Nearly two days after the polls closed, Dan Hynes conceded the nomination to Quinn, unable to bridge a gap that had grown to more than 8,000 votes as straggling precincts filed in.

It's important to note that Illinois has a peculiar process for the Lt. Governor and Governor. The Illinois Constitution mandates that each run separately in the primary and together in the general election. So, if Cohen insists on staying on the ticket, he will taint the entire ticket.

Cohen has dug his heels in for now. He says he isn't quitting. That won't last long. Dick Durbin is the first national Dem to call for him to step down. The calls will only grow louder. Cohen won't last too long into next week.

Either way, the Democrats are in total disarray. Quinn was already an underdog and this won't help.

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