Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Paterson Bombshell

The rumors have been swirling but the New York Times finally released their Governor Paterson bombshell.

Gov. David Paterson has suspended a close aide and is asking for an investigation by the attorney general after a published report linked the aide to a claim of domestic violence involving a former girlfriend.

Paterson on Wednesday said he was suspending David Johnson, who rose from volunteer to driver to confidant in more than a decade of working for the Democrat. Paterson also asked Attorney General Andrew Cuomo to investigate a New York Times article's claims that state police may have pressured the woman to drop a
criminal case against Johnson.

The full New York Times article is here.

1 comment:

  1. At this point, Cuomo could win more write-in votes than Patterson gets total votes, even if Cuomo doesn't run.

    Patterson's starting to make Spitzer look good.
