Thursday, December 10, 2009

Obama Accepts Nobel Prize

President Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize this morning in Oslo.

President Obama, accepting the Nobel Peace Prize Thursday just days after expanding the Afghanistan war, acknowledged the controversy behind the award but vigorously defended his use of military force as a tool of "global security."

The president accepted the award in Oslo, Norway, with "deep gratitude and great humility." Addressing those who believe the prize was premature for a president who had not quite finished his first year in office, Obama conceded that his own accomplishments are "slight" compared with those of past recipients like Nelson Mandela.

Conservatives are enjoying a good laugh at the president's expense. After all, awarding him this prize is a now low for the committee. Well, it may not be a new low since they also awarded one to Yasser Arafat. Either way, even the president acknowledges that he really doesn't deserve this prize.

1 comment:

  1. Not quite completed his first year?? The nominations for the prize closed somewhere around 9 days after his inauguration! The NPP has become an utter joke. Alfred Nobel's rotted corpse is rolling over in it's grave. To think that Obama would even be considered, let alone nominated and awared the prize proves the point.
