Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dr. Chacko Sighting

UPDATE: Please also check out my new book, The Definitive Dossier on PTSD in Whistleblowers, for only $3.99, in which I dedicate chapter four entirely to the exploits of Dr. Anna Chacko.

The Radiology Society of North America is, as the name implies, an organization that represents the interests of radiologists and the industry as a whole. Each year they put on a major conference attended by 60-70 thousand radiologists and nearly 1000 vendors. That conference is currently on going in Chicago. It's being held at the McCormick Place. Here's how a previous attendee described the affair.

Radiological Society of North America is one of the major radiology organizations. In fact. I think its conference is this week in Chicago...huge affair, largest radiology conference and equipment show in the world.

According to multiple radiologists, Dr. Anna Chacko is a frequent attendee of this affair. Given its size and scope, that shouldn't surprise anyone. This is among the biggest deals in radiology all year. I've spoken to a source at the conference and they've confirmed that Dr. Anna Chacko is attending. Given their description of her demeanor, it doesn't appear as though she's outwardly acknowledging the controversies over the last couple months. Here's how they describe her at the conference.

She paraded around before like a queen. Entourage. Flouncing sari. Etc. Was wined and dined. Schmoozed and made connections. She is here. Is registered has been seen.

For first time readers, Dr. Anna Chacko is an individual I began featuring in September. At the time, she was working at the Pittsburgh VA. I documented a pattern of behavior that was tyrannical, she often lied, was abusive to coworkers, and in general made herself a menace and terror to any workplace she was at. I continued to write about Dr. Chacko documenting her previous work history until in early October she was put on administrative leave from the Pittsburgh VA. Since then, I have had scant information about her besides a yet unconfirmed interview with the Fresno VA Hospital. I have been calling for a series of investigations into her behavior.

As luck would have it, however, Chicago is my hometown. So, that may just set up an interesting confrontation. I should take sometime this week to swing by the RSNA.

If you're an attendee of the conference and you've run into her, I suggest you read this piece.



  1. Mike, you might be able to get in with a press badge. Someone like Chacko would probably go to satellite meetings such as lunches or dinners given by corporations such as GE. See if you can find out where GE, Philips, Siemens, Toshiba, etc. have their satellite meetings. Often these are held in the larger Chicago hotels. There could also be some freebies at the art institute, symphony, etc. I am sure she scrounges as many freebies as possible.

  2. Also, don't expect the radiologists to help you much. Anna Chacko is a psychopath, but she may also be the only one there with a personality at all. If she goes home, the whole conference will probably be a boring dud.

  3. I didn't. I did meet up with some other folks that offered me some good info.

  4. Mike,
    Please please read her trashy book labelled A Journey Out of India. It will give you a great idea about how devious this woman is, and how mean and self serving individual, at the expense of her own husband (who she claims stole her dowry and cheated on her with her best friend), children (who escaped her tyranny and left her), uncles (who she claims sexually molested her). If you are into trashy paper back, you got one here.
