Friday, July 10, 2009

Daily Round Up


The president and the Pope met in the Vatican to mostly discuss abortion, stem cell research and other life related issues. The Pope even gave the president a pamphlet on the Vatican's view of life.

U.S. President Obama and Pope Benedict XVI discussed current affairs, the Catholic Church's teachings and abortion as they met for the first time Friday, according to the White House and the Vatican.

Pope Benedict XVI greets President and Mrs. Obama in his library at the Vatican.

The president also handed the pontiff a letter from Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy, who was diagnosed with brain cancer last year, and asked that the pontiff pray for the senator, Deputy National Security Advisor Denis McDonough said.

Kennedy, 77, a Democrat, received the diagnosis after suffering a seizure in May 2008.Obama and the pope spent about a half-hour talking, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said.

A drive by shooting marked the third straight day of terrorist violence in Iraq.

Gunmen in a speeding car opened fire on a western Baghdad checkpoint run by the Sons of Iraq, killing two of their members, an Iraqi Interior Ministry official said.

The Sons of Iraq, also known as Awakening Councils, are made up of mainly former Sunni insurgents who turned on groups such al Qaeda in Iraq.

The Sunni militias created by the U.S. military are credited as a major factor in the drop in violence in Iraq.

In Iran, thousands more protestors showed up in the streets again today. Finally, in Israel, Israeli troops confronted protestors with tear gas.


In Florida, two parents of sixteen were found murdered in their home. In my home state of Illinois, Congresman Mark Kirk appears to be off again regarding his run for the U.S. Senate. Two days ago, he indicated he was going to run. So, stay tuned, as he may change his mind again.
The Democrats now seem poised to raise taxes on those earning $350,000 and more by three percent more in order to pay for health care reform.


All major indeces were down for the fourth straight week. The market took another hit today. The only bright side continue to be falling oil prices and improving bond rates. The Ten Year U.S. Treasury bond had another monster day. It was down thirteen basis points. The ten year is now down to 3.27% which is the lowest in about six weeks.


There's breaking news. Jonathon Sanchez just completed a no hitter for the San Francisco Giants against the San Diego Padres. Sanchez was out of the rotation until Randy Johnson got hurt. This gives me an opportunity to throw out useless trivia. Johnny Van Der Meer is the only pitcher in history to throw two straight no hitters.

1 comment:

  1. So anti-Wall Street moves by the Democrats are leading to risk aversion which drives down bond rates?

    Its like Obama's having his cake and eating it too.
