Friday, July 3, 2009

Council Winners

Winning Council Submissions
First place with 2 points! – The Razor - Settlement
Second place with 1 1/3 points – (T*) – Right Truth - LIFE
Second place with 1 1/3 points – (T*) – The Glittering Eye - Affording Everything
Third place with 2/3 point – (T*) – The Provocateur - The Libertarians Downfall: Conspiracy Theories
Third place with 2/3 point – (T*) – Joshuapundit - Masquerade In iran
Third place with 2/3 point – (T*) – Mere Rhetoric - Shh… Massachusetts Proves Mandate-Based Health Reform Will Be A Disaster
Fourth place with 1/3 point – (T*) – Wolf Howling - Politicized Science
Fourth place with 1/3 point – (T*) – Soccer Dad - Diehl me out
Winning Non-Council Submissions
First place with 2 1/3 points! – Fausta’s Blog - Responses to “Coup in Honduras – Correction: This is NOT a coup”
Second place with 1 2/3 points – Christina Hoff Sommers - Persistent Myths in Feminist Scholarship
Third place with 1 point – (T*) – The League of Ordinary Gentlemen - Iraq June 30th
Third place with 1 point – (T*) – EU Referendum - Rigging The Debate
Fourth place with 2/3 point – (T*) – Delaware Liberal - Should Sanford Resign?
Fourth place with 2/3 point – (T*) – Diana West - “Role of Women in Iran Protest Kindles Hope”…OF WHAT?
Fifth place with 1/3 point – (T*) – American Daughter - Religion and Politics Don’t Mix
Fifth place with 1/3 point – (T*) – Financial Times - Obama is Choosing to be Weak

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