Monday, June 29, 2009

What Now of Our Policy in South America

President Obama just laid down the marker today regarding Honduras. (h/t Hot Air)

The president called the coup "illegal" and said the U.S. continues to recognize deposed President Manuel Zelaya the leader of Honduras. Now, if we are to follow this to its logical conclusion, then this means that we won't recognize the new government. That means we would have to remove our ambassador from the nation. We'd cut off aid and all diplomatic ties. As such, we would wind up with more diplomatic ties with Venezuela than with Honduras.

More importantly, the United Nations, the Organization of American States, and the United States have all not only condemned the coup but also continue to recognize Zelaya. How long can the new government survive with all of these groups refusing to recognize it? What will happen once the government falls? Most likely, Zelaya will regain power. Then, he will impose another term and eventually lifetime rule.

Then, you create a leftist axis in Venezuela, Cuba, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Bolivia. Our ally in the region, Colombia, has far more leftist dictators to deal with. So, where does that leave our policy in South America? Are we still going to engage with Venezuela? A coup is something you don't necessarily want to make a habit of support, but in this case, a leftist leader trying to be a dictator is even worse. By taking sides with Zelaya, we help to secure yet another dictatorship in an area in which democracies are in an ideological battle with Socialist dictators. Which side are we on exactly?


  1. He left out the most important thing that he put through a referandum to serve a 3rd term....illegally.
    What is this a president can change a country's constitution on a whim?

  2. I would deeply appreciate it if someone could explain to me why in a constitutional system of checks and balances, the Legislature and Judiciary cannot overrule and de facto summarily impeach one person in the Executive? While it could be argued that the president is the most important member of the Executive, he is nevertheless only one person. Honduras would do well to formalize its decision quickly by holding a quick impeachement trial or whatever their constitution requires.
    As to the involvement of the Honduran military, if the president was a clear and present danger to their constitution, then, if their oaths are like ours, they were doing their sworn duty in defending it from all enemies, foreign *and domestic."
