Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Council Submissions

Council Submissions
Rhymes With Right - Republican Rejection Of Hyperbole Called Racist In Georgia
Joshuapundit - AIG - Obama And the Democrats Unconstitutional Shadow Show
The Razor - Congressman Lives in MD - Represents California
The Glittering Eye - Geithner Announces Banker Bailout Program
Bookworm Room - Out of the Mouths of Babes
Mere Rhetoric - Great News: Obama’s Hand-Picked NSC Consolidating Power Great
Right Truth - Grim Assessment for America’s Safety
Soccer Dad - Major newspaper seems fated to cast israel in the worst possible lightfrom Soccer Dad
The Colossus of Rhodey - Messiah-worshiping News Journal also has faux outrage
The Provocateur - My Grandfather, the 14th Amendment, and the AIG Bonuses

Non-Council Submissions
Submitted By: Rhymes With Right - Big Lizards - The Great Dictator
Submitted By: Joshuapundit - Robert Averech/Big Hollywood - The Burning Of Los Angeles: The Gauntlet
Submitted By: The Razor - The Pirate King - The Environuts Are Winning
Submitted By: The Glittering Eye - Self-Evident - The ‘Geithner Put’, Part 1
Submitted By: Bookworm Room - Big Hollywood - Love, War — and Gay Marriage
Submitted By: Mere Rhetoric - Olivier Guitta - Which Way Will the Wind Blow From Damascus?
Submitted By: Right Truth - Chesler Chronicles at Pajamas Media - A Universal Doctrine of Women’s Rights.
Submitted By: Soccer Dad - Contentions - Linda Chavez - Re: Get Real
Submitted By: The Colossus of Rhodey - Oliver Kamm - Galloway’s heroes
Submitted By: The Provocateur - The Chicago Tribune - The Chicago Way in D.C.


  1. I thought I might take this opportunity to ask you, Mike, about your thoughts on Quinnipiac's poll showing Specter trailing Toomey in the Pennsylvania Senate Primary Poll 41-27.

    Personally I think this doesn't bode well for the Republicans. I know that Specter has been a thorn in their side for quite some time now, but despite the Republicans best efforts, Pennsylvania has been blue for the past few elections now. If Toomey wins, I don't see how he could beat his Democratic opponent. Especially if they choose to turn the election into a referendum on the Club for Growth.

  2. Maybe however Santorum won several times in that state. Ultimately, it all depends on what the economy looks like and how Obama's economic policies are viewed. Toomey is firmaly anti Obama's economic policies. If they are viewed unfavorably, that will be a winning message. If they are viewed favorably, that will be a losing message. Depending on the environment, Toomey maybe a great candidate or a terrible candidate.
