Friday, March 14, 2008

The Revealing Tortured Logic of a Former Hillary Supporter

Here is a revealing article from a former supporter of Hillary Clinton's that has just recently thrown his support to Barack Obama.

Oh, what times those were! And given what success your husband produced, and your impressive record in New York, it wasn't exactly hard for me to support you. My sister-in-law, a grocery clerk whom I brought to a fundraiser here in Seattle and who sat and chatted with you, is still in your corner. She'll be crushed when she reads this column.

Sen. Clinton, I can no longer count myself in your ranks. I've decided that, barring some stunning revelation, Barack Obama has earned the Democratic nomination, fair and square. More importantly, I've decided that your campaign's tactics have crossed a line that should never be crossed. I no longer want to be associated with your effort to become the Democratic nominee.One of your surrogates, Geraldine Ferraro, has said that Obama wouldn't be where he is in the Democratic contest if he were white. When combined with your rejection of Obama's qualifications to be commander in chief, and your husband's disrespect for Obama's effort, I see an ugly undercurrent.

I grew up in white Milwaukee, which was very white indeed. But most of my heroes were black: Martin Luther King Jr., Hank Aaron, Bill Cosby, Ralph Ellison, Miles Davis and John Coltrane. When a kid, the sight of black people being mowed down with water hoses in Alabama made a Democrat out of me before I knew what a Democrat was.

So, essentially, this guy has been a Hillary supporter much of his adult life. He loved her husband's Presidency and he has been more than impressed by her time in Congress. Yet, despite all of this, he simply cannot get past the racially charged remarks of her former surrogate Geraldine Ferraro. The article goes on to in painstaking detail explain the roots of the civil rights movement and his place and effect of them.

Now, this gentleman appears to be successful and I believe totally sincere, but this logic is just tortured. After all, what he is basically saying is that her husband's eight successful years in office and her own eight successful years in the Senate are totally put to the side by one comment by one of her surrogates. Now, keep in mind that Ferraro spoke for herself and not the campaign. Clinton immediately and totally repudiated the comments, she apologized directly to a group of African American journalists, and she removed Ferraro from the campaign. What more does he want her to do?

If he was really so happy with everything the Clintons did, would he be so quick to jump off their bandwagon? I doubt it, but is he really that happy. What is even more revealing is the vague and generalized descriptions he has of her and her husband's accomplishments. While he is apparently happy with their performance, he can't actually name one specific accomplishment. Here is what he said...

Oh, what times those were! And given what success your husband produced, and your impressive record in New York, it wasn't exactly hard for me to support you.

What success exactly did her husband produce? If the times were so great, as he indicates, why can't he point to any specific accomplishment? Hillary's record is so impressive as Senator from New York that he doesn't say anything specific about it. I don't know this gentleman but I do know human nature. If he was really as impressed by her and her husband's record as he claims he is, he would have long gotten past the comments of Geraldine Ferraro. Of course, if he was really as impressed with their record as he says he is, he would have had one or two specific accomplishments to point to as well.

Like I said, the tortured logic is quite revealing...

1 comment:

  1. So the author became a Democrat after watching blacks get mowed down by water hoses... of course the irony is, it was Democrats holding the hoses. It's amazing how the Democrats and their willing accomplices in the media have been able to distort the truth about who were the real racists, and still are today.
