Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Obama, McCain, Wright, and My Favorite Latin Phrase

Back when I was a stock broker, I worked alongside a legendary stock broker named Wil Rondini. One morning I asked Wil just how hard he worked when he first got into the business. In a matter of fact tone, he told me that he worked from six in the morning till nine in the evening Monday through Friday and 9-1 on Saturday and he did that for two years straight.

I believe there are two types of people in this world. There are those that are in love with the idea of success, and then there are those, like Wil, that will actually do anything and everything necessary to be successful. Most people fit into the first category and a select few are like Wil.

While there is actually a strain of American society that hates America, I believe patriotism works much like the idea of success. Most Americans are patriotic in the sense that they love their country, but they aren't necessarily willing to make a real sacrifice for the country. On the other hand, there are the select few that are willing to actually sacrifice everything for their patriotism. Those are the Wil Rondini's of patriotism.

This brings me to Barack Obama and John McCain. There was recently a bruhaha over the perception by some that Bill Clinton implied that Barack Obama wasn't a patriot. I don't think that is at all accurate and frankly slanderous. Obama is not only charitable but has served the nation as an elected official for more than a decade. His credentials as a patriot are not in doubt.

That said, the Presidential campaign is not merely about passing some sort of a threshold. It is about a choice. Ultimately, the President is the head patriot, and thus each candidate's credentials as a patriot become very relevant. Here is where things get dicey for Obama, and that's because McCain's credentials as a patriot challenge and surpass Rondini's credentials as an individual willing to sacrifice for success. McCain has served his country since he was eighteen years old and entered the Naval academy. He went to war. He wound up a POW and he was even tortured for six years of his life in defense of his nation. After he came back he has spent the rest of his adult life in public service...continuing to serve into his seventies.

Barack Obama, on the other hand, stood by for twenty years while his country was attacked by his own pastor and did nothing. Many people have hypothesized as to why, but to me that is totally irrelevant. As my favorite Latin phrase goes, Res Ipsa Loquitur (the facts speak for themselves). When the chips were down, Obama stood by and did nothing while his country was attacked for twenty years.

The facts can be a very revealing thing, and in this case I believe they show a clear picture of who would make the better President. When he was old enough, McCain signed up to serve in the Navy. He went to war and spent six years as a POW. He even refused to leave early unless and until the rest of his comrades left with him. When he returned from being a POW, he dedicated the rest of his life to public service. Res Ipsa Loquitur.

For twenty years, Obama's pastor attacked his country and Barack Obama stood by and did nothing. Res Ipsa Loquitur.

Which of those two makes a better President?


  1. From HankInTexas:

    Republican presidents have been embracing anti-American, anti-minority, anti-Semitic, anti-gay, anti-women, anti-Catholic, etc., etc. Right-Wing Evangelical and Fundamentalist ministers for decades. People like Schaefer, Graham, Falwell, Robertson, Jones, Hagee and dozens of others have all preached that America and Americans are damned by God for one goofy reason or another. These religious bigots have been the advisors and confidants to Nixon, Ford, Reagan and both Bushes. But, the anti-American hate they spew is fine because it furthers the fear-based Right-Wing political agenda.

    Wright's problem is that he isn't “White and Right.”

    The Right-Wing became a joke in its efforts to "prove" that Senator Obama is/was a Muslim. Having failed that, they turned to sensationalizing Reverend Wright and Trinity United Church of Christ. According to their warped spin, Senator Obama may be a Christian, but he isn't the Right kind.

    The Right-Wing is running its smear campaign against what they fear as the ultimate boogieman -- a Black president of the United States.

    OBAMA '08

  2. That sort of misdirection is an unwise political strategy Hank. Trying to compare Barack Obama's twenty year relationship with an anti American pastor with the nebulous "Republican" relationships with obscure pastors is something that may sound good when discussed back and forth among Obama supporters but it isn't going to fly here.

    The sort of fiery rhetoric that your post is full of is exactly the sort of fiery rhetoric that shocke Americans when they heard Wright.

    I don't know what sorts of advisors they have been, but Wright lead the church that Obama attended for twenty years on a mostly regular basis. If you can't see the difference, it is only because of your blind devotion.

    The irony of statements like yours is that you respond to your own candidates call for unity on race with more divisive rhetoric.

    The allusion to Obama being a muslim is nothing more than a red herring. Nothing more than fringes tried to make that connection. Wright was Obama's pastor for twenty years on the other hand.

    Furthermore, you take the stand that any criticism of Obama is some sort of racist attack to keep an African American from holding office. I guess the legitimate questions that a twenty year relationship with an anti American pastor is nothing more than,

    "smear campaign against what they fear as the ultimate boogieman -- a Black president of the United States."

    This is old, obvious, and tired, and it is not going to work.

    Obama dug his own hole with this mess and deflecting the mess to anyone else is not going to work.

  3. The sad reality of the fact is that you have completely gotten McCain wrong. His father was an Admiral who brought him up as a patriotic robot. He served as a hero in Vietnam, not because he wanted to, but because he had no choice in the matter. They didnt let him go for 6 years. That doesnt lessen his pain, but it was not a choice. His public service and personal life once home was hardly exemplory.

    He was a womanizer who left his family in a lurch for younger poontang (so much for conservative family values) and he was one of 5Senators who were implicated in the Savings and Loan Crisis as the Keating 5. He narrowly survived that debacle (it makes me shudder when I think about the direction of banking laws in the future) and now plays the part of the wise old gray honorable warrior. He is one of the most corrupt liars in politics today.

  4. I don't know what a patriotic robot is, however I agree that McCain gets much of his patriotic roots from his family. The circumstances behind his finding his way to being a POW may in fact have been out of his control, however when he was given a chance to leave he refused unless his comrades went with him. Obama, on the other hand, stood by and did nothing while an anti American pastor spewed hate for twenty years.

    Res Ipsa Loquitor

    His adultery is totally irrelevant because it in no way determines his patriotism. Benjamin Franklin was also a womanize, along with Thomas Jefferson, and those personal failings don't diminish their patriotism.

    He has a thirty year political career and the only smear you have is twenty years old. Again, Res Ipsa Loquitor.

  5. Get your facts straight anonymous. Staying 6 years as a POW WAS a choice. They offered to let him leave because they found out he was an Admirals son. The hope was that it would show weakness on the part of America because he was being let go before the rest of his team and he abandoned them. He refused!
    And you may need to read up on the "Keating 5" with regards to what they finally decided about Mccain and his lack of wrongdoing. In the end the democrats admitted he had not done anything wrong...they berated him for the appearance of wrongdoing.....which he apologized for and stated he learned a life lesson to be careful of even the hint of impropriety.
    The problem with Wright has nothing to do with color or political sides. He is able to be a complete idiot as much as he likes. The problem is that Obama sat through it for so long. He has zero good judgment! As enforced by his choice of Marxist professors, racist anti-american pastor, friendship with terrorist, and dealings with Rezko......and the list goes on.

  6. Since you guys are in love with the latin phrase, you should spell it right, Res ipsa loquitur.

  7. Done, and only the author of the piece, me, has stated fondness for the phrase.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Speaking of Patriotism:

    Martin Marty on Wright: http://chronicle.com/free/v54/i30/30b00101.htm

    "In the early 1960s, at a time when many young people were being radicalized by the Vietnam War, Wright left college and volunteered to join the United States Marine Corps. After three years as a marine, he chose to serve three more as a naval medical technician, during which time he received several White House commendations. He came to Chicago to study not long after Martin Luther King Jr.'s murder in 1968, the U.S. bombing campaign in Cambodia in 1969, and the shooting of students at Kent State University in 1970."

  10. "... "What should our response be right now. In light of such an unthinkable act. ['9/11] ... I was stuck in Newark, New Jersey. No flights were leaving La Guardia, JFK, or Newark Airport. ... And I asked God, "What should our response be?

    I saw pictures of the incredible. People jumping from the 110th floor; people jumping from the roof because the stair wells and elevators above the 89th floor were gone-- no more. Black people, jumping to a certain death; people holding hands jumping; people on fire jumping. [plaintiff high voice] And I asked the Lord, "What should our response be?" I read what the people of faith felt in 551BC. But this is a different time, this is a different enemy, a different world, a different terror. This is a different reality. What should our response be, and the Lord showed me three things. Let me share them with you quickly ...

    Number one: The Lord showed me that this is a time for self-examination. As I sat 900 miles away from my family and my community of faith, two months after my own father's death, God showed me that this was a time for me to examine my relationship with God. My own relationship with God-- personal relationship with God."

    Jeremiah Wright from the "The Day Jerusalem Fell" aka "America's chickens are coming home to roost."

  11. Mike, I think your thoughts on this issue are certainly interesting. Perhaps the area I agree with you most is that McCain is undoubtedly a patriot who has served the USA heroically.

    However, I disagree with the assertion that Obama's relationship with his pastor somehow undermines his judgment or patriotism. First of all, the caricature painted of Wright by the media using select clips found from pouring over many entire sermons from this entire decade is faulty. While I strongly disagree with Wright's abhorrent statements about HIV/AIDS, the other statements are not entirely false. American foreign policy was one of the causes, albeit not the primary one, of the attacks on 9/11. Our belligerence in Saudi Arabia was unjustified. I condemn the way in which Wright stated this as if it was entirely our fault, but we shouldn't say he is categorically wrong.

    Also, his statements about Israel, while strongly and unwisely worded, are not wrong. The israeli's are committing just as many atrocious acts as the palestinians and should be condemned as much as their opponents.

    Now, Obama disagrees with these statements and condemns them. You suggest he should have spoken to his pastor about such statements; but remember that he didn't hear any of the sermons that contained the publicized statements. He did here controversial statements, but presumably not as vitriolic ones as they weren't chosen by the media to be played. Maybe he should have expressed his disagreement, but the idea that it is a huge judgement error is wrong.

  12. jwc_soccer, you got your facts wrong. The clips of Wright's rants were not culled by the media from lots of sermons, but were included in dvd's sold by the church ("Uncle Jeremiah's Greatest Hits"). This is how the church advertises itself. If you're going to defend it, you'd better gear up for a marathon as more is coming, such as the Hamas manifesto and the "Open Letter to Oprah" published in the church bulletin. The latter is largely a suggested Holy Land itinerary, but includes digressions such as the claim that Israel and South Africa teamed up to build an "ethnic bomb" to kill Blacks and Arabs.

    Good luck with that excuse thing.

  13. Let me answer everyone at once. First, I am not sure what the point of either anonymous comment. Whatever patriotism Wright displayed earlier in his life, it was more than dwarfed when he systematically preached hate to his parishoners, thousands at a time along with plenty of children.

    I don't know what kind of context you think you are making that comment but then Wright went ahead and said we brought 9/11 on ourselves. Res Ipsa Loquitur


    you make many inflammatory and demagogued statements.

    Making a moral equivalence between terrorists whose target is civilians and a country's military targeting those that want to do it harm is patently ridiculous. For you to hold Israel to the same moral plane as the terrorists is the height of moral relativism.

    This idea that he was just taken out of context is patently ridiculous. Not only are the statements that have been played inflammatory but frankly there are many the media has not made a big deal of that are just as flammatory. This church published the Hamas manifesto on its web site once for example. This guy is a hater plain and simple.

    Here's what you Obama apologists aren't going to get around.

    When Wright attacked America Obama had a chance to defend it and he sat by for twenty years and did nothing.

    Without being attacked, McCain volunteered to serve enrolling in the U.S. Naval Academy. He served in the next war and was held captive as a POW for six plus years.

    He had a chance to plenty of chances to leave early, but he refused to leave unless the rest of his men came with him.

    After he came back from being a POW he dedicated the rest of his life to being a public service serving throughout the state and national legislature.

    Now, in his seventies he is running for President.

    Which one of those two sounds like they deserve and would be a better President?

  14. I had hoped for an election that actually focused on the issues - John McCain is a great statesman, and I believe he can win the election on his own merits.
    Let's please exercise our intelligence and discretion and put this bit about Obama's pastor in perspective and move along.

  15. I had hoped for that too, however it is no longer up to you, or frankly anyone. This story has a life of its own and it will go where it will go.

  16. From HankInTexas:

    Mike, appreciate your thoughtful response to my post.

    I named only one obscure pastor, and that was Wright. Well, he was obscure until about two weeks ago. The others were/are household names, their shocking anti-American rants about our policies and citizens well documented and seen/heard by millions over many years. Republican presidents routinely consulted with, invited into the White House to confer with, right-wing bigots on policy matters. If they were merely spiritual confidants, that would be fine. It’s a free country. But, for instance, Bush conferred with Pat Robertson on whether or not to invade Iraq. (!) That’s the sort of advisors these bigots have been to Republican presidents.

    So far, I’ve seen/heard a minute’s worth of Rev. Wright’s anti-American ranting, the same two or three examples shown over and over again 24/7. Someone or some organization with a fear-based Right-Wing agenda bought videos of many of Rev. Wright’s sermons with the express purpose of publishing his ranting for the world to see in order to take down Senator Obama. Where are the videos of all the inflammatory sermons that Senator Obama is alleged to have witnessed over 20 years? You know, the stuff Senator Obama absolutely had to have listened to almost every Sunday. Where are they? One attempt to pin Senator Obama to a specific sermon failed because it was a sloppy fabrication, and resulted in a retraction in the NYT. Where are they?

    You mention blind devotion. Let’s consider the 30% of Americans and the 70% of Republicans who still think Bush is doing a good job.

    My earlier statements are a factual response to the feigned hysteria over Rev. Wright’s rants which, sadly, compete favorably for sheer stupidity with the shocking rants that Right-Wing pastors have been making for years against America and Americans.

    Racism is old, obvious and tired, and is not going to work any more. Right-Wing feigned hysteria is old, obvious and tired, and is not going to work any more.

    Where are they?

  17. Wright is certainly a left-wing radical, with all the convenient distortion of the truth that radicals endulge in (as do right-wing conservatives.) I think it's appropriate to ask whether Obama has been influenced by Wright's thinking -- whether he's succumbed to some lazy liberalism, at the very least. But I don't think Obama is a Wright clone. For one thing, Obama was willing (in his speech on race) to discuss the fact that black anger is sometimes counter-productive. That's the kind of touchy subject that most liberals (especially Hilary Clinton) won't touch, because it isn't a feel-good line that will win them votes. I don't think Obama's speech was just damage control -- I think he was genuinely outlining how he sees things. He went to Wright's church because of its social activism, and let some of the political things Wright said slide (for better or worse). But on the other hand, Obama may also be one of the few people well-suited to asking the black community to take responsibility for its share in its own problems, because he understands where they're coming from. In his speech on race, when he basically told black parents they should be reading to their kids -- that's not an easy point for most politicians to make. In his way, Obama is pushing for personal responsibility, not a culture of victimization -- and I think conservatives tend to miss that about him.

  18. I'm just saying that the ravings of Obama's pastor are not a "breaking story". Does anyone know the origin of the videos - who "discovered" them, just in time for the PA primary?
    I think the more interesting story here is how the information was released. We all know the intent.
    Then there's the fawning of the media over Obama's reactive (rather than proactive) speech addressing racism in America.
    So after relentless attempts, Clinton has finally succeeding in cornering Obama as "the black candidate".
    Mission accomplished.

  19. the sad part is that people like mike are allowed to publish articles who do not see more than two feet ahead of them. mike's comments and one can deduce that his thinking therefore suffers from multiple fallacies including a prominent one called "illusory correlation." This means that in his haste to prove his own reasoning, he jumped to the conclusion that AS A MATTER OF FACT Obama MUST have watched and agreed to Wright's sermons AND failed to protest. The correlation between Wright's sermons of 20 years and Obama's inaction while observing those sermons for 20 years is "illusory" and only exist in mike's brain. No evidence is there to that assumption. But people believe anything they want to believe. That's fine. However, people rushing prematurely to making decisions and judgments should never be taken seriously. So, what does that tell about the editorial of the website who do take these premature, inaccurate judgment calls seriously? Are they blindfolded, too? Are they prone to logical fallacies, errors in thinking, and group think, also? Are they making serious mistakes in their judgment? And what are the consequences of these mistakes in judgment? Have you ever thought about that?

  20. good article. you are correct- obama will never win against mccain. like it or not, we do elect presidents in part based on their patriotism. he should step down now before taking us all on a long depressing journey. hillary may have baggage, but she has a strong record of service to this country without any pastor wrights in her past.

  21. And to bolster this writers claim on the issue I say get back on Utube and find the video clip of Mr. Obama with Hillary Clinton and Bill Richardson in Iowa on the campaign trail. Standing on a stage (the 3 of them) as the National Anthem was sung... Richardson and Clinton stand proud, hands on heart and focusing on crowd... MEANWHILE, Mr. Obama stands there relaxed hands down, swaying a bit from side to side while looking off into space as if in his own World! I find this to be truly a piece of work! A man on a Presidential campaign trail, in front of a crowd, demonstrating that kind of behavior toward his country's anthem! It's very disrespectful for someone who wants to be Commander-In-Chief! But then again I would expect nothing less from him!

  22. While Conservatives struggle to back their own candidate, the liberals seem to overlook the negatives of Obama and write them off as a smear campaign. This article was compelling and deserves a serious read from anyone regardless of party.

  23. You have proved your point - McCain is by far the most deserving candidate. The problem is that the presidency is not a prize for good behavour.

    I rather doubt the election will hing on patriotism. Patriotism is a disadvantage if it leave the owner blind to unpleasent truths. There is are some very unpleasent truths to be faced on foreign policy.

    I think it is all going to boil down tro a rather diferent and rather less interlectual quote: "It's the economy stupid".

  24. Hank, it is just plain silly and unrealistic to compare Obama's relationship with Wright and the nebulous Republican relationship with the likes of Robertson et al. Wright is Obama's pastor and has been for twenty years. On the other hand, the Reps and the likes of Robertson become ideological allies on certain issues. It is not as though these guys have a constant ear to anyone. Their paths cross, but not to the extent of twenty years going to the man's church on a fairly regular basis.

    There is no hysteria here. I believe that choosing a President is important. If you sit by and do nothing while your country is attacked verbally over and over that is not a good sign for your performance as President. McCain's resume in terms of patriotism, on the other hand, rivals any in history.

  25. Blame,

    I was thinking someone would try and say something like what you said.

    See, the way I see it is that patriotism is the ultimate qualification for the Presidency. In many ways, it is a collection of many other traits.

    The President ultimately in all situations represents the USA and looks out for her best interest. I need to know that the President is willing to do whatever it takes to represent her interests to his fullest ability. McCain has a long and distinguished record that says he will. Obama's record leaves plenty of questions.

  26. As an Academy alum, a very few years behind John, I think you overstate some facts ... he had an undistinguished 4 years at Canoe U., being in conduct trouble all 4 years and finishing 5th from "anchor man" [last in the class] ... the belief among many of his classmates is that, had it not been for the fact that both his Father and Grandfather were Admirals: he would not have graduated; he would not have gotten into flight school; and he would not have gotten into the War College. There is also talk that the USS Forestall incident was the result of McCain's "show-off" style and a "wet start" ... some say -if not for his Father, he could have been court martialled.

    Insofar as the Rev. Wright is concerned, where is the outrage of those on the right who condemn him at similar statements by robertson, falwell, et al., or for that matter by those in a similar relationship of Obama-Wright as McCain-Hagee and Parsley and his political "convenient" embrace of Falwell !

  27. I don't think that I mentioned where he was in his class at the Naval Academy. I simply stated he attended there. Whatever shortcomings he may have had at the academy, it certainly didn't stop McCain from fulfilling a life full of patriotism and distinguished service.

  28. As for the Falwell/Robertson ranters, this is the internet age; it's not enough to make an unsubstantiated allegation. Show us the facts. What did they say that was so outrageous? Where is the evidence that they had as close a relationship w/ a Repub Prez as JW had w/ BO?


  29. Q: what do you call the lowest ranked person in med school?
    A: Doctor.

    McCain may have been in trouble in the NA, and he may have gotten advantages from being a 3rd gen navy man. But when he was offered parole as a POW he refused it until his comrades in arms were released too. So when Daddy could have helped when his life was at risk, he stood firm and let the chips fall where they may.

    Obama has a great habit of voting "present" on any controversial legislation. At best he will stand firm with the hard left in his party if it will garner support from the base.

    Truly no comparison in the mettle in these men.

  30. Ancient
    You give yourself away by suggesting equalivency between an endorsement from a minister you have never heard preach and a preacher who is your "mentor" and who you have not only given money, chosen to marry you, chosen to Baptiste your children; but in whose church you have an indisputable 20 year membership.
    Robertson et all are not on tape attacking American values that I know of.

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