Saturday, March 29, 2008

McCain's Political Jujutsu

Sometimes, political jutusu is quite difficult. For instance, Bill Clinton was a master at political jujitsu. He used to win huge political battles. For instance, he used it int the budget battle with Newt Gingrich and Newt blinked first. Of course, he made political jujutsu history when he was able to maneuver the Monica Lewinsky story so that in the aftermath his approval ratings were at near all time highs. Political jujutsu is essentially using the opponent's strengths and weaknesses against them.

Now in the case of John McCain, the situation he must navigate is actually ripe for political jujitsu. Right now, Barack Obama is embroiled in the Reverend Wright fiasco. That doesn't look like it will go away anytime soon. Meanwhile, Hillary has been caught lying or exaggerating about a trip to Bosnia she had when she was the first lady. McCain's dilemma, if you can call it that, was trying to simultaneously stay out of the fray but remain relevant.

First, McCain goes on a cross country tour of the Middle East and Europe. (minus one gaffe the trip was a success) Then, he comes home and receives the endorsement of Nancy Reagan . Now, he has new ad campaign out that includes some of his courageous biography. He's already made an important speech on GWOT policy at the World Affairs Council in Los Angeles, California, and he plans on giving several more policy speeches on a whole range of issues shortly.

Now that is staying out of the fray, and keeping yourself relevant enough. Frankly, in this situation he probabaly doesn't want too much media attention on himself anyway. Politically for McCain, there must continue to be a delicate balance of media coverage of this campaign. So far, things could probably have only gone better if he didn't slip up about Iran and Al Qaeda. Still, right now, the dynamics of the race all favor McCain. That is accomplishing political jujutsu.

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