Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Democrats are Falling Apart at the Seams

I have already referred to the Democrats' race as delicious and on the brink of political civil war. I want to review what has happened since I pointed out that they were on the brink of political civil war. James Carville, a Hillary surrogate, referred to Bill Richardson as Judah. Tony McPeak, an Obama surrogate, referred to Bill Clinton as Joe McCarthy. It became even more hopeless to have Michigan and Florida have their votes count in any fair manner toward deciding this nominee. Hillary was caught in an embellishment or even a lie that insulted our military.

Right now, most of the Democrats that try and put a happy face on this point out that it is only March. That's true, however does anyone see in reason why this will do anything but get worse, much worse, before it gets better. The worst part for the Democrats is that it appears the only thing that is working is when each candidate attacks one of the other's scandals. Here is an example from Hillary.

Sen. Obama knows that if he focused on his experience, he’d get questions
about the shortcomings in his record and the efforts he has made to embellish

He’d have to deal with the fallout from this week’s Washington Post report
on his gross exaggeration of his role on immigration reform and housing

Sen. Obama would have to explain why the New York Times reported that he
claims credit for passing nuclear leak legislation that never got out of

He’d have to confront reports from and other independent
organizations that say his claims of providing a universal health care plan are
based on selective, embellished and out-of-context quotes from

He’d have to discuss the LA Times story that reported on how his fellow
organizers say he took too much credit for his community organizing

He’d have to explain why he regularly claims he was a law professor when in
fact he held no such title


would not have been my pastor...You don't choose your family, but you choose what church you want to attend...You know, I spoke out against Don Imus, saying that hate speech was unacceptable in any setting, and I believe that... think you have to speak out against that. You certainly have to do that, if not explicitly, then implicitly by getting up and moving

Here is what the Obama campaign put out about Hillary's gaffe...

The American people are simply not going to elect someone they think is not being honest and trustworthy...She would be a deeply flawed nominee

The reality is that they are now both deeply flawed candidates and the Democrats are stuck with them. The worst part is that some Democrats even think that the right move to make is to put them together. The campaign is now fixated on each of their flaws. The dynamic is such that the best thing each can do is deflect attention from their own failings by pointing out the other's failings. It is the political campaign version of the best defense is a good offense.

On top of this, there is now a better chance that Florida and Michigan won't be seated at all, then there is that a fair election will decide how their delegates will be split up. This means that in those two states the Democrats will likely get crushed on a local, regional, state and national level.

On the legislative front, the Democrats have made an enormous tactical error in trying to govern from the extreme left. As such, the only bills they pass have no hope of overriding a veto, and they actually block bi partisan legislation like the SAVE Act. The Democrats continue to insist on holding up the passage of warrantless wiretapping legislation. There are few issues better that poll better for the Republicans than this one. The longer they drag it out the more it will become an issue in the campaign. Furthermore, the Democratic House leadership is holding up the one sensible and bi partisan piece of legislation that has come out of there the whole time they have been in control. The House just passed a massive tax increase. (an increase that has absolutely no hope of coming anywhere near an override of a veto that everyone knows is coming. )

What is happening is an unprecedented perfect storm of political incompetence and negativity from the Democrats. While there is plenty of time to right the ship, the problem is that all of the momentum is building towards their ugliness. This primary fight looks to have no end. Everyday that goes by without a resolution for Michigan and Florida only makes the situation worse. The leadership on both sides of the legislature is totally atrocious.

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