Saturday, December 22, 2007

More Iraq Media Bias

As I have demonstrated, media bias is everywhere. Sometimes the bias is blatant and obvious, while other times the bias is much more subtle. Very rarely does the media comes as close to admitting their bias as they did this past weekend on the CNN show Reliable Sources. I was going to blog about this myself however with the news breaking on the Emory scandal fast and furious I haven't had a chance. Thus, I leave it to my partner Josh Levy at Win The War to pick up the story. (please note that I am a contributing editor at Win The War)
You can't make this stuff up. These exchanges are from an interview by Howard Kurtz of two journalists, RobinWright from the Washington Post and Barbara Starr fromCNN.Howard Kurtz: "Robin Wright, should that decline in Iraqcasualties have gotten more media attention?"Robin Wright (W.P.): Not necessarily. The fact is we're at the beginning ofa trend -- and it's not even sure that it is a trend yet.****Howard Kurtz: But let's say that the figures had shown that casualties weregoing up for U.S. soldiers and going up for Iraqi civilians. I think that wouldhave made some front pages.Barbara Starr (CNN): Oh, I think inevitably itwould have. I mean, that's certainly -- that, by any definition, is news.Unbelievable, but true, war casualties go down, not necessarily news, war casualties go up, that is news. Of course, don't call the MSM biased.

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