Saturday, December 22, 2007

Divesting From Iran Gains Momentum

On the heels of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signing into law California's intention to divest their pension funds from any company that currently does business in or with Iran comes this from Newsmax

Texas Gov. Rick Perry has asked the state’s largest public pension funds to stop investing in firms that do business in Iran because of that nation’ssupport of state-sponsored terrorism. Perry also asked the $24.9 billionEmployee Retirement System and the $108 billion Teachers Retirement System towithdraw investments from some of the companies with links to Iran, reports.“While Texas cannot set its own foreign policy, we can send a strongmessage that Texans will not condone Iran’s continued support of those seekingto do harm to our men and women in uniform,” Perry said in a news release issuedon Tuesday.

Perry has already signed a bill to pull pension investments from companiesoperating in Sudan because of the genocide in the Darfur region. A similar billcovering Iran was not passed by the legislature, and Perry now says he may calla special legislative session to revisit the issue.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry has asked the state’s largest public pension funds to stop investing in firms that do business in Iran because of that nation’s support of state-sponsored terrorism. Perry also asked the $24.9 billion Employee Retirement System and the $108 billion Teachers Retirement System to withdraw investments from some of the companies with links to Iran, reports...

This is huge everyone. Between California and Texas we have two of the three biggest states either signing into law or announcing their intentions as such. This movement is growing but it needs help. All those in Texas need to get on the horn and call your Reps and Senators.

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