Saturday, December 22, 2007

Corruption that Would Make Mayor Daley Proud

My fair city of Chicago is known as the Windy City. Many people probably don't know that the monicker has nothing to do with the weather. While there is plenty of wind in Chicago, that is not why it is referred to as the Windy City. It first received that monicker because of the corrupt practices of the first Mayor Daley, Mayor Richard J. Daley. In fact, corruption is so prevalent in my fair city that we have a saying, "vote early vote often." Our deceased former mayor, Harold Washington, is known to continue voting in elections, and yes he votes Democrat. Mayor Richard M. Daley has taken the torch from his father corruption wise and run with it. Whether it is the hired truck scandal, police torture, or taking bribes for city contracts, corruption is so prevalent it is just a way of doing business here.Well, it seems the Maliki government is trying to give Daley a run for his money curruption wise, and they are doing a "good" job of it. Newsmax picks up the story.
Widespread corruption in Iraq stretches into the government of PrimeMinister Nuri al-Maliki, an Iraqi investigating judge told U.S. lawmakers onThursday, and an American official said U.S. efforts to combat the problem areinadequate.Judge Radhi Hamza al-Radhi, who was named by the United States in 2004 tohead the Iraqi Commission on Public Integrity, said his agency estimatedcorruption had cost the Iraqi government up to $18 billion.Maliki has shielded relatives from investigation and allowed governmentministers to protect implicated employees, said the judge, who left Iraq inAugust after threats against him. He told a Capitol Hill hearing that 31employees of his agency had been killed.Radhi said he did not have evidence against Maliki personally, but theprime minister had "protected some of his relatives that were involved incorruption."One of these was a former minister of transportation, Radhi told the Houseof Representatives' Oversight and Government Reform Committee.Even more disturbing was this. our government responded to it...
A State Department official said Thursday corruption in Iraq was serious,but he refused to say whether Iraq's prime minister was involved or capable ofaddressing the problem.Larry Butler, deputy assistant secretary of statefor Near East Affairs, told a House committee that divulging such informationcould damage U.S. relations _ an assertion that enraged congressional Democrats.Rep. Henry Waxman, chairman of the House Oversight and Government ReformCommittee, said Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice should know she is on acollision course with Congress over the public disclosure of corruption in PrimeMinister Nouri al-Maliki's government.''Look at all the people we have in Iraq getting killed, all the billionsof dollars we're spending in Iraq,'' said Waxman, D-Calif.''The American people are asking: What are we doing and what are thechances of success? How are we going to have any chances of success if there'scorruption going on in the Maliki government?'' asked Waxman.Several times at the hearing, Waxman asked Butler whether the U.S.-backedgovernment had the political will or ability to stop the corruption. Each time,Butler responded calmly that such information was not for publicconsumption...Waxman is absolutely right, however I fear that he will use this as a blunt instrument to swing at the administration and further his own anti war cause. Keep in mind that oversight is one of the primary responsibilities of our legislature. It is Waxman's responsibility to make sure the Congress oversees that our tax that is spent is spent in an honest way. While grandstanding in a public hearing is all well and good, Waxman was actually elected to make sure that he comes up with solutions to the problem, not just to use the problem is a political tool.Douglas Farah explains just how pernicious corruption is
Having covered wars several continents, there has never been an armedconflict where those in rebellion did not have legitimate concerns, anger andfrustration over the level of corruption and impunity for the corruption, in theregimes they were fighting.The apparently rampant corruption in Iraq, mostly stealing U.S. taxpayermoney, not only cheats us, but is one of the most helpful elements to all thedifferent insurgencies operating in that country.Nothing undermines the legitimacy of a government than widespreadcorruption and the tolerance of corruption by that government’s backers. Thiswas true in El Salvador, Nicaragua, Colombia, Sierra Leone, Liberia, IvoryCoast, the DRC, Angola, etc. etc. Corruption and impunity from that corruptionare cancers that destroy one’s allies and strengthens ones enemies.Farah is absolutely right, and it should be noted that corruption and third world always, always go hand in hand. In order for Iraq to move forward, this rampant corruption must be controlled. The U.S. State Dept. correctly points out that corruption under Saddam's regime was no better. That may be true however that is like your sixth grader telling you that their F isn't bad since it was no worse than their previous grade. Their is a sytemic thread of corruption that is pervasive not only in Iraq but in the entire Middle East, but if we are to win in Iraq, this corruption must be met head on. If not, this endeavor wll most likely face the same fate of the endeavors Farah pointed out. (The Washington Post adds their two cents if you still aren't convinced)Now, it is time to act. We can let the pervasive corruption of Iraq become yet another issue that partisans will use to hammer at the other side, or our Congress can actually try and do their jobs. Again, oversight is one of the primary functions of the Congress. Citizens you can do your part. First, please go here and find your Senators. Tell them that sugar coating the corruption does no one any good. Furthermore, tell them that using the corruption as yet another partisan issue does even less good. It is time that the Senate does their jobs. They need to find solutions to this problem, not just grand stand and demonize. When you are done there, go here and find your Representative and tell them the same. It's time we all demand something more than business as usual not only in Washington but in Baghdad. As for Chicago, that maybe a lost cause.

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