Wednesday, July 8, 2020

David Rucki Now Claims His Parental Rights Were Not Denied

In a remarkable set of interrogatories, David Rucki now claims his parental rights weren't denied and his children were not deprived of their liberty.
 For question number two, "Admit that Deirdre Evavold allowed Ms. Grazzini-Rucki to stay at her home with Gianna and Samantha Rucki to keep them away from their father David Rucki."

David Rucki answered, "deny". 

For question number four, David Rucki is asked, "Admit that Deirdre Evavold helped bring Gianna and Samantha Rucki to the White Horse Ranch to deprive David Rucki of access to and parenting time with his daughters." The answer, "Deny"

For question number five, David Rucki is asked, "Admit that by bringing Gianna and Samantha Rucki to the White Horse Ranch, Deirdre Evavold restricted their physical liberty to be with David Rucki." Once again, David Rucki denies in his answer.

For question number six, David Rucki is asked, "Admit that Gianna and Samantha Rucki were aware that Deirdre Evavold brought them to the White Horse Ranch to restrict their physical liberty to be with David Rucki." Once again, David Rucki answers "deny."

In other words, according to David Rucki himself neither his nor his children's rights were violated when they escaped his custody on April 19, 2013, and were hidden on Doug and Gina Dahlen's ranch until November 2015.

This brings up a rhetorical question, if his children's rights weren't violated by staying on the ranch, why were they on the ranch. Below is his daughter answering that question.

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