Thursday, April 9, 2020

State Farm is Still Hoping to Depose Dede Evavold

It seems that State Farm, and its lawyers in particular, love the movie Groundhog Day.

That's because no matter how many times they fail; they insist on trying to same thing.

On March 30, State Farm's lawyers sent Evavold another letter.
State Farm provides homeowner's insurance for Evavold and her husband, Darrin.

Evavold is being sued by David Rucki. The case appears largely over, as the judge, Jerome Abrams, has made a decision on most issues.
Though State Farm provides insurance to Evavold, they have refused to provide legal assistance.

This took a new turn when they asked and then demanded to not only depose her but her husband, who is their client as well, but he is not a party to the lawsuit.

Repeatedly, Evavold has refused, the last time in November 2019.

A motion from September is one example of State Farm's desperate attempt to depose their own clients.
 In November 2019, Judge Abrams issued a tersely worded order, which appeared to put the matter to rest, since he called for the case to move forward and issued no directive forcing Evavold to submit to a deposition.
The case went cold. There was supposed to be a trial in February and then was postponed by Judge Abrams after all remaining parties asked for a delay.

Then, just like in Groundhog Day, State Farm reached back in its bag of tricks and asked again for Evavold to be deposed.

It's not clear why they think after having failed many times they will be successful this time, but I asked their public affairs officer, Benjamin Newman, how this makes the insurance company look, since it doesn't sound like much advertising to say "Pay us your premium monthly and if you need us, not only will we refuse to help but we'll depose you as well."

Newman did not respond to my query.

State Farm is being represented by the law firm of HKM Law Group,

They issued a blanket block of all emails from my email so I will take that is a perpetual denial of comment.

David Rucki is suing Dede Evavold because his two oldest daughters- Samantha and Gianna- ran on April 19, 2013 and Evavold recommended that they stay with Doug and Gina Dahlen, which they did until they were found in November 2015.

As such, David Rucki argues he lost their services- he actually uses the phrase "loss of services" in his legal filings and he also claims that Evavold has defamed him.

He claims Evavold has defamed him even though what she said is mild compared to what his daughter Samantha- who is now his co-plaintiff- has said about him. See below.

In that audio recording, Samantha accuses her father of choking her younger sister, choking her mother with an organ leg, making comments about Samantha's breasts, along with being a drunk.

"Before the whole divorce, he'd always come home drunk or he'd beat my mom with no end. I mean, he went after her with an organ leg; he legit ripped an orgtan leg off a piano and tried to beat her with it." Samantha said in the recording.

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