Tuesday, April 6, 2010

RNC Chief of Staff Quits

The fallout continues from the very embarrassing and inexplicable case of the RNC funding a trip to a sex bar. The chief of staff has quit.

Republican National Committee Chief of Staff Ken McKay, frustrated with inaction by his boss, has resigned and will be replaced by Mike Leavitt, a former campaign aide to embattled RNC Chairman Michael S. Steele, The Washington Times
has learned.

Wealthy veteran RNC fundraiser Sam Fox, unhappy with the negative publicity the RNC has received under Mr. Steele's command, has also resigned as the top volunteer for the RNC's major donor fundraising program, The Times has learned.

The twin blows to Mr. Steele came Monday, the same day he said in an interview on ABC's "Good Morning America" that his race was at least in part the motivation for the virtually unrelenting criticism he has received from fellow Republicans, including some of the most respected former
national party leaders.

The larger problem for the GOP here is that this is typical politician behavior. The GOP is attempting to convince the public they have changed and that they will be better stewards of the public's money. Yet, the RNC is acting like the typical political apparatus. They spend money lavishly and on reprehensible items.

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