Thursday, January 21, 2010

Appearance Alert

Once again, I'll be on with Wyatt Mcintyre in an hour and a half to talk about the Dr. Anna Chacko saga. It will stream live at this link. It will be available there afterwards anytime if you can't catch the show live.

Also, tomorrow evening at 11PM ET, I'll be on with the Conservative Voice talking about the same topic.

Also, Dr. Mary Johnson, a local North Carolinian doctor/activist, and someone I've gotten to know a bit recently, has given her thoughts on the fiasco that Congressman Miller got himself caught up in when he decided to write a letter on Dr. Chacko's behalf.

UPDATE: Please also check out my new book, The Definitive Dossier on PTSD in Whistleblowers, in which I dedicate chapter four entirely to the exploits of Dr. Anna Chacko. 

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