Friday, December 4, 2009

Council Winners

The winners of this week's Watcher of Weasels' Council are up.

Council Submissions
First place with 2 1/3 points! – Mere Rhetoric - Leaked Global Warming Docs: “Publicity Machine” Used To Manipulate Journalists And Intimidate Scientists
Second place with 1 2/3 points – The Glittering Eye - The Lessons
Third place with 1 1/3 point – (Tie*) – Soccer Dad - The Warming Concensus
Third place with 1 1/3 point – (Tie*) – The Provocateur - Between Left and Right lies the truth
Fourth place with 1 point – (Tie*) – Joshuapundit - Obama – The War President And The Speech
Fourth place with 1 point – (Tie*) – Bookworm Room - The Incoherence Emanating From The White House
Fifth place with 2/3 point – The Colossus of Rhodey - Once again-why Schools of Education Are A Waste of Time
Sixth place with 1/3 point – (Tie*) – Right Truth - It’s All About The boobs
Sixth place with 1/3 point – (Tie*) – The Razor -
Non-Council Submissions
First place with 3 points! – Victor Davis Hanson - Dithering And Trashing America
Second place with 2 points – Patrick O’Hannigan/ American Spectator blog - The Community Organizer In Chief
Third place with 1 2/3 points – Outside the Beltway - Charles Johnson ‘breaks’ from the Right
Fourth place with 1 1/3 points – (Tie*) – Bruce Walker/American Thinker - The Ghost of Lysenko
Fourth place with 1 1/3 points(Tie*) – Free And Equal - The Illinois Board of Elections Violates Its Own Rules
Fifth place with 2/3 point(Tie*) – Uncle Jimbo - Michael Moore Writes To Obama
Fifth place with 1/3 point(Tie*) – Yid With Lid - Breaking ClimateGate News: Phil Jones of CRU Pending Investigation/Professor Mann In Trouble
Fifth place with 1/3 point(Tie*) – Professor Bainbridge - Nicholas Kristof,Obama care and the Broken Window Fallacy
Sixth place with 1/3 points – Ace of Spades - # Australian Parliament Rejects Their Version of Cap & Trade

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