Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Council Nominations

The council nominations are up. The council includes a new edition, the American Digest. Here's this week's nominees.

Council Submissions
Joshuapundit - Latinos And ObamaCare
American Digest - Drain Bamage: I Guess It’s Going to Be “All About Soul” Forever
Right Truth - We must do something about … Leprechauns
Wolf Howling - Obama Fails His First Test As Commander In Chief
Bookworm Room- Reason to be grateful Obama appointed gay porn-purveyor Jennings as Safe Schools Czar
Rhymes With Right - When You Normalize the Aberrant, The Unthinkable Becomes Thinkable
Soccer Dad - The ongoing refuge of the refugees
The Colossus of Rhodey - Stereotypes are bad — except if you wanna criticize Tiger Woods
The Razor - The President’s Deaf Ear
Mere Rhetoric - West Point Speech – Rhetorically Sublime Modern Day Lincoln Said “I” 40+ Times, “Win” Or “Victory” 0
The Glittering Eye - Can Congress Reduce Healthcare Costs?
The Provocateur - Dr. Chako on Big Government
Honorable Mention
Pond’rings - An Encounter With Terrorism
Dinah Lord - A far grander vision: an Islamic center near Ground Zero
Shyspeak - A Letter to Obama From “The Greatest Generation”
Common Cents - “Hide the Decline” – The Great Global COOLING Coverup
Non-Council Submissions
Submitted By: The Watcher – Gateway Pundit- Fistgate II: High School Students Given “Fisting Kits” At Kevin Jennings’ GLSEN Conference ( Photo)
Submitted By: Joshuapundit – Robert Avrech/Big Hollywood - Lupe Velez: When Shame, Abortion and Suicide Collide
Submitted By: American Digest– Finemrespice - Their Charms Proved Irresistible
Submitted By: Right Truth – GrEaT sAtAnS GiRlFrIeNd - Twisted
Submitted By: Wolf Howling – The Plumb Bob Blog - 56 World Newspapers: “Scandal? What Scandal?”
Submitted By: Bookworm Room – Big Government - Obama colluding with Left to subvert his own Afghan war policy
Submitted By: The Colossus of Rhodey – Biblical Archeology Review - How December 25th Became Christmas
Submitted By: Rhymes With Right – Virgil Speaks - Why I’m not a Liberal any more
Submitted By: Soccer Dad – Dalad Amos - Muslims Both Initiated and Funded The Goldstone report – Which Explains A Lot
Submitted By: The Glittering Eye – New Ledger - View From West Point:We Are Not The Enemy
Submitted By: Mere Rhetoric – Jonathan Tobin/Commentary Contentions - Blame America First — World War II Edition
Submitted By: The Razor – Covert Ratining Blog - Let Us Shun The Obese This Holiday Season
Submitted By: The Provocateur – Big Government - Was Dem health Care Strategy Written In Prison?

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