Monday, November 2, 2009

Fun With Numbers: The House Health Care Bill

Here's some numbers to keep in mind in analyzing Pelosi Care.


That's the number of pages in the bill. Talk about a number that speaks for itself. Does anyone really believe that a bill would need this many pages? There's so much room for all sorts of mafeasance in that many pages. As such, there's no way anyone can support the bill simply from its sheer size. No one is going to read it. Anyone that does won't understand it. So, unless you're willing to trust Nancy Pelosi then you must oppose it.


That's the number of times the word shall is found in the bill. Shall is a word that either gives the government the power to do something or it gives a mandate for an individual, doctor, or insurance company to do something. That's a lot of new power and a lot of new mandates.

$1.055 trillion

That's the CBO estimate for the cost Pelosi care over the next ten years. That doesn't include the doctor fix. It's also done even though most of Pelosi Care doesn't start until 2013. So, this is really an estimate over about seven years. Since government estimates are almost always less than the outcome, we can all only imagine what the final bill would be.


That's how many new bureaucracies will be created by Pelosi Care. Does anyone really believe we need anywhere near that many new bureaucracies? If ever a number crystallized just how much of a disaster this bill will be it's the number of new bureaucracies created. 111 new bureaucracies is a recipe for disaster.

1 comment:

  1. "1990

    That's the number of pages in the bill. Talk about a number that speaks for itself. Does anyone really believe that a bill would need this many pages?"

    And just what exactly do you know about legislating anyway? Its awfully condescending of you to think that most Americans expect their legislation to fit on the back of a baseball card. For a banker, you seem to have somewhat of a lazy mind.
