Saturday, October 31, 2009

Council Winners

The Council winners are up. The council chairman had a terrible migraine last night and couldn't finish the voting. He did, however, make it coach hockey which makes the Watcher a Gladiator and a Warrior in my book.

Winning Council Submissions
First place with 1 2/3 points! – Joshuapundit - J Street – A Particularly Nasty Dead End To Be Avoided
Second place with 1 1/3 point – Bookworm Room - The march of the thought police
Third place with 1 point – (T*) – The Glittering Eye - Are We Promoting Our Grand Strategy?
Third place with 1 point – (T*) – Mere Rhetoric - Lefty Meme Congeals: The Real War Is In Pakistan Not Afghanistan
Fourth place with 1/3 point – Rhymes With Right - And To Think The Average Income Of American Families Dropped By 3.6%
Winning Council Submissions
First place with 2 points! – JammieWearingFool - Why Is GE Exempt From Government-Ordered Pay Cuts?
Second place with 1 1/3 point – The Augean Stables - Investigate the investigators: A time to rebuke Goldstone
Third place with 1 point – Riehl World View - Exclusive: How The NRCC Bungled NY – 23
Fourth place with 2/3 point – (T*) – Thomas Sowell at Real Clear Politics - Dismantling America
Fourth place with 2/3 point – (T*) – Daniel W. Drezner - Theory of International Politics and Zombies
Fifth place with 1/3 point – (T*) – Mercury News - Racial Skirmishes in our Own House
Fifth place with 1/3 point – (T*) – GM’s Place - Splitting: Fox News and the White House
Fifth place with 1/3 point – (T*) – The Tygrrrr Express - Why not just kill all conservatives?

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